From Tents to Traction: Navigating Glamping Business Marketing Like a Pro

Man kneeling in woods and taking a photo with a vintage camera.

Greetings, my fellow glamping entrepreneurs. As you embark on the journey of launching your glamping business, our focus today is on strategic marketing. From crafting a robust online presence to forming symbiotic alliances, let’s explore how to position your glamping venture in a league of its own.

Craft a Robust and Informative Website

In the digital age, your glamping haven needs a formidable online fortress. Develop a sleek website that not only showcases the unique atmosphere of your retreat but also serves as a user-friendly gateway for potential guests. Give your potential guests as much information as possible. Do you have ADA accessible units? Are linens provided? How far of a walk is it to the bathrooms? Will guests be able to charge their phones in their unit? Is there access to Wifi? Knowing these details will allow your guest to prepare for their visit and feel confident win booking with you.

Let Social Media Work To Your Advantage

The 2022 North American Glamping Report sheds light on a fundamental reality - 61% of glampers seek travel inspiration through social media. Tailor your approach to platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, where the visual allure of glamping finds its most receptive audience. By focusing your efforts here, you tap into a dynamic community ready to embrace the unique experiences your glamping site offers. 

Form Collaborative Relationships with Local Influencers

Think of partnering with local social media influencers as a modern twist on the traditional press release. By aligning with influencers, you gain access to their audience, essentially leveraging them as advocates for your glamping business. Their endorsement becomes a bridge to a new set of followers, expanding the reach of your brand in a way that feels authentic and personal.

Leverage the Skills of Professional Photographers

Every picture tells a story, and in the glamping business, it's a narrative you want to perfect. Similar to your approach of working with influencers, consider offering photographers discounted stays at your retreat in exchange for access to their captivating shots. Beautiful imagery not only elevates your marketing collateral, but also serves as a compelling invitation for potential guests seeking a picturesque escape.

Expand Your Community Reach With Local Alliances

Forge meaningful partnerships with local vendors, such as wineries or tour groups, to extend the reach of your glamping community. Collaborations with neighboring businesses provide access to their customer base, creating a mutually beneficial network. Strengthening ties within the local community fosters a supportive environment for your glamping enterprise to thrive.

Think Beyond Conventional Branding

In the dynamic world of glamping, innovation is your ally. Challenge the status quo and experiment with inventive ways to elevate your brand exposure. Whether it's hosting unique events or embracing unconventional marketing tactics, staying open to new possibilities ensures your glamping business remains a fresh and enticing prospect.


 As you contemplate these strategic maneuvers, delve deeper into the art of brand establishment in our blog, "Establishing a Memorable Brand for Your Glamping Business." Click through and equip yourself with the insights needed to carve a lasting niche in the competitive world of glamping. Happy trails!

Gabrielle Simon

Gabrielle is in the process of starting her own glamping business. While chipping away at this project, she has developed MyGlampingPlan as a platform to share what she learns along the way and offer helpful resources for her fellow glamping entrepreneurs.


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